30/09/2016 - 16:19
Last September 24th and 25th, during the celebrations of La Mercè, the mythical Michelin symbol, Bibendum, came to life for a few hours at the Barcelona Motorcycle Museum.
Thanks to the cooperation given by Michelin, sponsor of the Motorcycle Museum, the popular character created in 1898 as a brand symbol and built it with several tyres, was in charge to welcome every single visitor, attracting the attention of a lot of curious people who walked pass the streets in the downtown in Barcelona.
Everybody, from children to adults, wanted a picture with well-liked Bibendum who, in spite of not being able to talk, managed to make all their fans very happy.
If you did not meet him then, next October 15th you have a new opportunity to see him personally! This time it won't be at the Museum, but in the course of another event that is to take place in Barcelona, the so called Chicytin, where Bibendum will be with us advertising several workshops and family activities that we arrange through the year at the Barcelona Motorcycle Museum. Come on! We wait for you!