02/03/2016 - 16:29
The Barcelona Motorcycle Museum is about to celebrate the opening of its new temporary exhibition, which will take us to the closest, most practical and urban version of the motorcycle: the scooter. Its name in English is due to the platform for feet positioning, which makes it different to the rest of the existing motorcycles and which was definitely a revolution in the personal mobility.
Having just passed 100 years since the first scooter was created (the Autoped, New York, 1916) the Barcelona Motorcycle Museum wishes to honour it by a special tribute. Through a carefully selection of 30 models, from the early prototypes of the 20s to the electric modern models, including the mithycal Vespa and Lambretta, the visitor of Scooters, 100 years of urban motorcycle, will be able to discover the evolution of this vehicle, which is nowadays consolidated as one of the best solutions to the actual traffic problems.
The exhibition could be visited from the 17th of March till March 2017. Check prices and opening hours at