29/05/2019 - 08:52
A special journey in Bassella (Lleida) in which participants were able to do onroad, offroad, trial, motocross and dirt track. All at the same time.
The very first edition of the Bultaco Day took place in Bassella (Lleida) last Saturday May 25th, and it was organized by Bassella Motorcycle Museum in cooperation with Club Bultaco SC and baSSella experiences. Over 100 people decided not to miss out this special journey as they would see different bultaco models riding around.
Asphalt tracks were plenty of Tralla 101 as well as Mercurio, Metralla, Junior and some Alpina and Lobito. All these enjoyed 2 different tracks specially designed for them. One in the morning and another one in the afternoon.
As for the trial circuit, Sherpa T riders had the best fun ever, as they were able to decide where they would ride, depending on their levels. We saw some famous faces, such as Jaime Puig or Montse Jorba.
Some other riders preferred the 15km offroad track. In this option we saw lots of Fronteras and Matador.
In the motocross circuit people could see Pursang and some Bandido from Bultaco Club.
In the dirt track area people could see a show of Juan Bultó and his daughter on their very special Bultaco Astro.
One of the most touching moments was the tribute to different personalities in the Bultaco brand: Joan Chalamanch, Alberto Nomen, Bultaco founding team members. Ricardo Quintanilla and Oriol Puig Bulto, were the predecessor riders, being followed by several famous riders who attended the event as well: Pepe Sánchez, Domingo Gris, Galí siblings, Ernesto Abad, Guillem de Pallejà, Jesús Romero, Vicente Ballester, ...
We even had the honour to receive the visit of the international rider and winner from Poland Tadeusz Czerwinski.
Not to mention that a small italian expedition and an english group came specifically from theit countries, which shows us the importance and the passion that Bultaco still continues causing great impact. Even beyond our borders.
From the Organization, we would like to thank all participants and partners for their trust in us. It has definitely been an event containing all necessary elements in order to keep growing throughout the years, and become a must-attend event for all bultaco lovers or classic motorcycle lovers.
If you want to take a look at the Bultaco Day 2019 pic gallery click HERE